
In any organisation undergoing strategic systemic and structural changes, it is essential to ensure that the human capital it possesses continues to grow and develop to meet internal and external challenges. One key strategy lies in the continual development of talent and skills in employees and associates. Within this strategy is the practice of Coaching and associated forms eg. Mentoring, Counselling and Job Handover.

Whilst training interventions are generally beneficial, coaching on-the-job delivers meaningful results with empowerment via immediate opportunities to practise what has been learned. However, generally, insufficient attention has been paid to this form of learning. It is Action Learning at its relevant best! This workshop is designed to expose all executives, especially Heads of Business Units, to the mutual benefits of coaching and, on a more strategic and long term sense….through Mentoring…to create a sustainable Learning Organisation.

Programme Objectives

This Workshop enables participants to:

  • Learn effective strategies to coach and to develop people in their organization to their optimum potential.
  • Coach and Mentor others with learned knowledge, tools and techniques in a series of one-on-one coaching situations.
  • Develop and improve on their own styles and preferences in coaching and mentoring.
  • Think through and identify specific options on how they can personally promote and support performance improvement throughout the organization via this Mentoring Process.
  • Focus on positive ways to develop the organisation’s talent, including high potential staff and solid performers as well as to appraise them in more challenging situations/scenarios.

Briefly, Coaching & Mentoring for Performance is to help your organisation to leverage the full potential of your organisation’s talent through a strong and well-thought out development and performance management philosophy.

Programme Content

Major Sessions:

  • Coaching Strategies and tactics
  • Practice Sessions: Series of coaching/mentoring situations (3or 4 Situations)
    • Mentoring : “Personalised long term coaching from experience base”
    • Normal on-job skills/knowledge development coaching
    • Job Handover coaching
    • Team coaching
    • Counseling: “Coaching with Heart”
  • Personal Coaching Styles and Preferences :
    • A need for improvement?
    • Personal Action (with buddy?)
  • Talent development strategies : Potential & Performance management
  • Creating a Learning organization: strategies


Whilst the workshop will have its (necessary) inputs and discussion sessions, the major focus will be on personal on-job practice with debrief and sharing of coaching/mentoring experiences and tips. Together with learned skills in coaching and mentoring, participants will also gain useful insights into how the organisation can effectively develop its talent base. A useful and proven framework for this will be shared for consideration. Some pre-work is recommended to focus on personal engagement skills and in giving and receiving feedback with potential subjects for coaching.

If feasible, a half-day follow-up meeting (after a month?) with participants is recommended to share experiences coaching/mentoring. Likewise a half day meeting with coaches/mentees for a similar purpose would be beneficial.


A lead facilitator who is a corporate coach to senior executives in national and multinational companies and who is the lead consultant/trainer in MIM for its Coaching & Counselling Skills Programme. He has considerable experience in business functions and in managerial leadership & executive coaching/mentoring and talent development from national and multinational perspectives. He is an ICF Certified Performance Coach.

Who Should Attend?

All (senior) executive staff from any function, especially if they lead business units/teams or projects. To be effectively conducted, the maximum number of participants should not be more than 16.


Two Days