The impact of effective leadership in business today is highly regarded and valued. In the context of this challenging role it is imperative that the leader needs to integrate a number of factors such as strategy, structure, systems, human capital and other assets to create a viable and sustainable organization.
The leadership role and purpose in the current organizational scenario embraces three critical elements to merge and become what can be termed as an ‘Integrated Leader’. They are Personal or Self Leadership (Intrapersonal) qualities which comprises elements of personality characteristics, strengths and weaknesses and personal values.
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Secondly Leading Others (Interpersonal) including influencing and communication skills, ability to win the hearts and minds of others to embrace change and get commitment. Thirdly, Organizational Leadership which provides a clear strategic direction and agenda on what needs to be done to make the business viable and sustain growth.
Leadership effectiveness in any given situation can be achieved when these three leadership elements act in combination and interact harmoniously with each other.