“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.”
– Winston Churchill

Organizations today are witnessing a major shift in the business landscape through intense competition, economic and financial crises and unpredictable social patterns. All these have resulted in a greater urgency to deal and cope with such drastic changes in an organized manner with strategy as the pre-requisite.Clear strategies are the only option for organizations to remain viable.

A well crafted strategy will help to address the “What” of the organization’s direction and be able to create winning strategies that will outperform the competitors. An effective strategy will in turn determine the “How” that is frequently regarded as the planning to progress towards the desired direction and achieve the vision set by the strategy.

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In order to manage the various changes resulting from the business irregularities business leaders need to sharpen their strategic thinking skills so that they can effectively support strategy development, planning and execution of the various strategies in the organization.