Stakeholder management is not a luxury but a necessity in today’s demanding business world where only the fittest will survive.
‘Stakeholders’ is the term to describe the universe of people and organizations that have a vested interest in a particular endeavour. Stakeholders may include customers, suppliers, government departments, employees, board of directors, shareholders, special groups and others. Sometimes the interests and priorities of one or more of these parties are partially and fully in conflict. Stakeholder Management is the discipline (some would say art form) of understanding stakeholder priorities and managing stakeholder relationships to maximize results and minimize problems.
Positive, trust-based relationships with key stakeholders can enhance organizational performance through creativity, growth, reputation and new opportunities.
Programme Objectives
This programme provides a comprehensive understanding of the art of identifying and managing the different stakeholders of an organization. It will include techniques to analyze stakeholders, their perceptions and concerns. It will guide participants to understand and act upon the views of key stakeholders in order to improve decision-making and management practices. This will lead to better management performance in those social and environmental areas which are of importance to many stakeholders.
The programme will guide participants how to engage effectively with stakeholders in order to develop long-term partnerships that can drive innovation which can result in both social and financial benefits. It provides techniques for stakeholder communication strategies and how to implement issues management to compliment stakeholder management. The programme will also provide techniques on how to deal with minority stakeholder interests.
The programme will be conducted through lectures and case studies of both local and global companies and organizations. Participants will also be required to work in groups to find solutions on specific issues and problems pertaining to the subject.
Two Days