
In the normal (busy) daily work of executives and managers, there is little time to really communicate, understand and relate with each other, share inspirations, give and accept feedback except during lunch and for a while after office hours. Yet, these are the times when we build our relationships and understanding of and about each other the way we think, feel and behave. Sometimes we feel we are “misunderstood” and likewise, we have also misunderstood others because we have “no time” to really understand the reasons or motivations behind certain behaviors.

This workshop, held away from the office, could provide the opportunity for participants to relax and to really communicate and relate with each other as people, discovering and sharing common interests and values at work and, hopefully, this will then engender and initiate a human closeness amongst them that will transform the way they work together in future as a cohesive, cooperative and mutually supportive team in the same organisation.

As a corporate leader once said to his people:

“We need to work together to support and understand each other to survive these trying times. Remember, the enemy is outside, and must never be from within.”

Programme Objectives

The purpose of this Workshop is to provide the opportunity for participants to really communicate, understand and relate with each other firstly as people from, perhaps, different backgrounds, work experiences and capabilities and, secondly, to initiate and build a shared destiny and set of work values that will form the “corporate glue” that bonds them together as an empowered team to fire up renewed energy and drive to face the challenges of the future together.

At the close of the workshop, if they get actively involved, participants will find that they are more able to:

  • empathies with, and relate to, one another more transparently and more comfortably.
  • be candid with each other but supportive in the way they are going to work together for a common shared future.
  • appreciate each others’ contribution and not be hesitant to ask for and offer help when needed
  • describe possible futures and a shared vision and values to guide new ways of working together
  • identify (and coach others?) the benefits and behaviors of effectiveteam work and team leadership and, more importantly, to role model these behaviors in their work and personal lives.
  • give and accept constructive feedback from others and to then resolve to put some of these into action as part of a self improvement plan, perhaps with some help from a buddy or two.


Two days is rather a short time for this type of workshop depending on the numbers attending and the complexity of the issues in hand. However, the purpose and objectives can be achievable if we use some accelerated and highly participative learning techniques viz. simulations, games, role plays, focused discussions and music/movement with a minimum of lecture inputs.

It will be helpful if participants can be seated in clusters viz. 4 or 5 to round tables, in a rather large room which will be necessary for the simulation and games. While an “outdoor activity” could be an added option, a similar indoor activity will substitute equally well and would take less time if the weather is not conducive.


There will be a lead facilitator but it is desirable to have one/two in-house resources to assist especially in the simulations and games, depending on the numbers involved.


Two Days